It’s Here!!! Bestselling Author Rachel McClellan Releases “A Hero’s Death”

I had the honor and pleasure of previewing “A Hero’s Death,” Book One of Rachel McClellan’s next series: Aris Crow Vampire Legend. And, I’m here to tell you, this book is going to be her next bestseller.

Rachel McClellan agreed to take a moment in her schedule to appear here on the blog by telling us a little about herself and answering a few questions. First, though, more about A HERO’S DEATH…

The city doesn’t need another hero. It needs a monster.

I’ve lived beneath the streets all my life while a growing darkness overtook the city I love. I’ve watched the people suffer, smelled their fear, and heard their cries for mercy. All while living under the control of the ruthless man who murdered my parents.

The police have failed them. The justice system has failed them.

It’s my turn now. And I won’t fail.

 In this dark and fast-paced, urban fantasy novel, USA Today bestselling author Rachel McClellan brings a new kind of vampire series that will leave you breathless and anxious for more!

Within the first few pages of “A Hero’s Death,” I was hooked. Rachel McClellan has a way of pulling a reader in to the story and before you know it, fifty pages have been turned and you’re reading as fast as you can to see what’s coming next. It’s a story of compassion, of love and loss, of fighting against tremendous odds for what’s right and when you find you’re not just reading the story; instead, seeing and also feeling the story, the new Hero of Coast City has not only claimed the hearts of its residents, but your heart as well.

Rachel McClellan is a USA Today bestselling author. She lives in New Hampshire, a place secretly known for its supernatural creatures. When she’s not in her writing lair, she’s partying with her husband and four crazy, yet lovable, children. Rachel’s love for storytelling began as a child when the moon first possessed the night. For when the lights went out, her imagination painted a whole new world. And what a scary world it was…

I gave Rachel McClellan a few questions to answer for her readers. I hope you enjoy what she has to say as much as I did:

Where did the storyline originate for “A Hero’s Death – Aris Crow Vampire Legend?”

I LOVE superheroes and I LOVE vampires so combining them just seemed natural to me. Who said monsters couldn’t be heros?? I’ve been wanting to tell this story for several years now—a man who already has special abilities that tries hard to save his city, but in the end realizes it won’t be enough. He must become a monster.

I really liked the setting of your story, the city within a city. What’s your favorite scene or quote from “A Hero’s Death?”

My favorite scene is the ending—the final battle in which Aris chooses his fate even knowing he must endure horrific pain to do so.

Is there a particular book or author which has had an influence on you as a writer?

Several! Dean Koontz novels, C.S. Lewis novels, R.L. Stine, Christopher Pike. LJ Smith. Books: Dracula, Frankenstien, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Book Thief, Hunger Games…so many!

What is the hardest part of writing Book One of a series?

Writing the first in a series is tough because you always have to be thinking ahead. In fact, it’s best to know you are writing a series right from the get-go to make sure you don’t have any plot holes later. 

When you write, do you enjoy quiet or noise; are you organized or is it organized chaos?

I enjoy music a lot. They inspire many of my scenes. I’m not a super organized person—I loosely outline. As for my other work, I do use spreadsheets to track marketing so I’m a little more organized there, but just a little 🙂 

What is your secret in finding time to write?

Everything changed when I learned to dictate. I use gaming headphones with a mic and an app on my iPhone. With those, I’m able to “write” in the car or anywhere really. It’s been a game changer. I have four kids who are active in a lot of things so I’m constantly driving. Plus I’m waiting around for them a lot so much is accomplished!

If you could have one super power/gift of any of your characters, which would it be and how would you use it?

I would love Aris’ super strength. To not have to work out anymore would be incredible! 

What was the first story about that you ever wrote?

My first completed novel I ever wrote was The Devi’s Fool. It was about a powerful witch, a young and naive one, who was manipulated by an older vampire, but in the end, she grows and learns to defeat him. This novel ended up being my best seller and continues to outsell my other novels. Even though it was my first, I published four others before I published this one. It went through several rounds of edits. I’m glad I waited!

Okay, I’ve read “A Hero’s Death” and am thrilled with the ending! I’m going to ask the question all your readers will want to know…When is the next book coming out!?

The next book is available for pre order—the beginning of October, but I hope to release it sooner! 

Thank you, Rachel! It’s been a pleasure featuring you here.

A Hero’s Death – Aris Crow Vampire Legend” is available starting Monday, July 10, 2017, on Amazon AND for a short time, at a promotional price of $.99. Click here to order it now.


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