
I knew I had to complete an “About Me” page. What do I put? It’s like filling out one of those online personal ads, which I’ve never done. Well…maybe one time. So here goes: S/WF; Aquarian; loves long walks on the beach. Oh please, really?

Bottom line, and the only thing you have to know about me, is I like to write. I’ve always had a very active imagination. In 6th grade, my English teacher handed out at the end of the year name tags. Instead of our given names, she had written the name of a storybook character that she thought best described our personality. My name tag was “Little Bo Peep”. Before I left that day I asked her why she had chosen that character and she told me that whenever she had looked over at me in class (where I sat in the back next to a window) she would find me staring out that window. Yep, I’ve never forgotten that because it describes me to a “T”. No matter where I am I still catch myself still “staring out the window”. Writing and my imagination takes me to places that I will never go, get into situations I will never be in, releases me from the existence of the here and now into another place. I’m not unhappy in my life, quite the opposite, but when you’re at work, looking at the clock and it’s only 1:45 p.m., heck yeah I would rather be somewhere else.

I’m sunning myself on a beach listening to the crashing waves. The sky is blue, a gentle breeze is blowing, and a handsome man lies on the blanket beside me. Everything is perfect. He leans up on an elbow, looks deep into my eyes and says “Darling, I’ve loved you from the minute I first laid eyes on you. There’s something I want to ask you. It’s an event I feel I’ve been waiting my whole life for and you’re the only one I want standing beside me to share it with.” My breath catches. Oh boy, this is it. “Gosh, he’s so hot,” I think, “my kissing the frog days are over, hello Prince Charming.” I sit up; wipe my hands to make sure my ring finger is clean. Oh no, don’t let me cry yet as the tears start to form. “Oh please, ask me, ASK ME!” I say, barely able to contain my excitement. He takes a deep breath, picks up my hand, and says “Breaking Dawn opens next Friday night. Would you do me the honor of seeing it with me?” Wait, what? My mouth drops. Horse flies could be flying in there and I wouldn’t notice. Clearly he can see my disbelief. “I know, “ he says, “I can’t believe it’s the finale! After four years it’s ending. You’re a Twilight fan too, right? I mean, you like to write and everything. Stephenie Meyer rocks! Don’t you just looove her?”

Oh yea, places like this is what I see while staring out the window. Wanna go with? There’s always room for friends.

Hope to see you there,
Trish Gentry

5 Responses to About

  1. Jody says:

    So real too, isnt it, lol, give me more trish.

  2. Missy Frye says:

    Hi Trish, I’ve nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award. You deserve it. http://missyfrye.wordpress.com/2012/05/10/versatile-blogger-award/

  3. So Bo, should we put up “Missing” posters for your sheep? Or are they more of the “Wanted” type, with sullen faces, two-day-old stubble, and look in their eyes that says :Shear at your own risk, bub.”.

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